Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My little Praise Dancers!!

So apparently I haven't written anything lately as I have been informed....The Malone clan has been quite busy!! Elly and Emmy both have started school. Emmy is in half day kindergarten, and loving it. Elly is in 1st grade, and loving it! I couldn't ask for any better teachers for them either. We are quite blessed! The girls are also "full steam ahead" into usual! Elly is on the Performing Team, and both girls are on the new Praise Team. They both LOVE it, but, are realizing that being involved in something, can sure take up alot of time! These pictures are from a dance that they did for a Christmas "Ladies Night." They had a ball! They all 4 got to stay up past their bed times, and dance to "Happy Birthday Jesus" (Brooklyn Tab. Choir). They were, of course, fabulous!! That sums it up for now. Josh has turned 34, I have turned 31, Elly 7, and Emmy 51/2. Life just keeps getting better!!!!!!